Process automation from the process experts. Rely on our smart solutions to boost safety, efficiency, and profitability.
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KHD ProMax®
Our advanced digital optimization solutions for more productive and sustainable operations.
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Burner Management System
Ensure safety and achieve consistent, reliable heating of your pyroprocess with automatic management of your burner functions.
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Cooler Hydraulic Control
Whatever KHD clinker cooler you’re running, you can rely on our PFC-HC or PSC-HC cooler hydraulic control systems for reliable and efficient cooler operation.
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Our next-level kiln temperature monitoring solution: the Scanex®-IC combines high-resolution thermal imaging with state-of-the-art control and visualization software with.
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Improve energy consumption, process efficiency and product quality with precision monitoring and control of your roller press.
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Achieve consistent product quality, improve environmental performance, and reduce costs with the Romix®-C automatic raw meal control system.
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KHD ProMax®
From preheater to clinker cooler, discover our complete range of pyroprocessing equipment and solutions.
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Clay Calcination
Our expert clay calcination solutions provide a high-quality supplementary cementitious material for a lower-carbon cement.
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Our kiln gas bypasses offer optimal removal of unwanted materials, improving kiln reliability and availability.
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Firing Systems
From the burners themselves to fuel control and smart burner management systems, we are your one-stop-shop for safe and reliable firing systems.
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A preheater should offer an optimal balance between heat transfer, pressure drop, separation efficiency, and building height. Solving that equation is not always easy. But it is our bread and butter.
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Say no to NOX with the Pyrodedox: the ultimate solution for cost-effective NOX emissions reduction.
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Discover the Pyrorotor – our most advanced technology for processing alternative fuels.
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Clinker Cooler
Designed for maximum availability, reliability, and service life, our clinker coolers provide high-efficiency cooling, high heat recuperation, and lowest component wear rate.
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Rotary Kiln
Can your kiln take the heat? Ours can. Discover how we engineer our kilns to thrive amid the burn.
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Clay Calcination
From individual machines to complete grinding circuits, we’re your partner for high efficiency grinding solutions.
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Roller Press
It’s the most energy-efficient grinding machine on the market. And we are the company that introduced it to the cement industry.
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Whatever your feed material or required product fineness, our range of separators sets the standards for efficiency, productivity, and maintainability.
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Impact Hammer Mill
Robust and reliable: our impact hammer mill is the workhorse of the cement plant. It just keeps on running.
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Roller Press

From complete pyroprocessing lines and grinding circuits to automation and advanced process control systems, our wide spectrum of equipment and technology ensures an efficient, stable and high-quality cement making process, while limiting emissions of air pollutants and CO2.
From the preheater to the clinker cooler – and all stops in between – we are the pyro experts.
Grinding Solutions
Whether constructing a new grinding plant or upgrading an existing process, we ensure the best possible outcome for your application.
Our automation solutions are imbued with more than a century and a half of process know-how, innovation and experience. Why would you look anywhere else?
The cement plant is not a forgiving place. Equipment is subject to very high temperatures, chemical corrosion, mechanical abrasion, and vibration. Operating with consistent reliability and high availability – while also achieving a good quality product at the end of the process – is a challenge.
But it’s a challenge to which we have been providing solutions since 1856. Today, our equipment and digital products are synonymous with quality, productivity and durability. We provide solutions that you can depend on to get the job done – and done well.
What does that mean in practice? It means we offer the high efficiency with low operating costs. It means we provide high productivity with consistent quality. It means we ensure low emissions and energy consumption. No matter what the production capacity, the available fuels, the quality of raw materials, or the local regulations, we can supply the optimal cement-making solution.
At the same time, we continuously challenge ourselves to go further, to climb higher, to achieve more. In doing so, we continue to lead industry innovation and ensure the cement industry becomes more efficient, more economic and more environmentally friendly with each passing year.