KHD Humboldt Wedag
International AG
Von-der-Wettern-Straße 4a
51149 Cologne
No-one knows our equipment better than us. Our team of supervisors has undertaken hundreds of assignments around the world, overseeing the successful erection and commissioning of equipment and plant components. These specialists have a deep technical understanding our machines. They ensure any specified tolerances and settings are adhered to and properly documented, and can quickly clarify any technical questions as and when they arise. The result is equipment that is installed and functions properly – an important factor when it comes to achieving optimum service life, reliability and availability of our machines.
When it comes to assembly, our supervisors oversee the proper mechanical and electrical assembly, installation and integration of our equipment into your plant. This includes advising you on the schedule for assembly and any related planning to ensure sufficient resources are available to complete the work. We work with you to monitor progress and document required and allowable tolerances and alignments.
During commissioning, our supervisors will advise and oversee the correct sequence for commissioning, including no-load tests, interlock tests, plant start-up, and performance testing and acceptance. We remain onsite to see that continuous operation of our machines and components, as well as the entire plant, is achieved under normal production conditions. We can also provide on-site training of your commissioning personnel.
We can also provide onsite supervision to support plant optimization and maintenance work, e.g., of kiln re-alignment work after a hot kiln alignment survey.